I have been such a bad blogger lately and I am so sorry to all my buds who usually come check out my blog and for those I have also neglected. Things have been just a little rough this past week and a half and my mind has been completely sidetracked with it all. Sometimes life does get in the way and sometimes it is just difficult to get past it especially when you hear news you would never expect of dear friends going through rough times that effect you (although not as much) as well. So I have been on a different planet lately and just trying to get back on target now.
Ok onto other things.
Tagged again!!!
Yes and this time the lovely Retta tagged me so here we go!
Here are are the rules to play:
List 5 weird things about yourself or your pets.
Tag 5 friends and list them.
Those people then need to write on their blogs about 5 weird things, and state the rules, and tag 5 more people.
Don’t forget to let the people you tagged know by posting a comment on their blog!
Here are my 5 weird things:
1. I can't stand my feet being touched by anyone.
2. When I get the hiccups I get them bad. They are very loud, totally uncontrollable and sound quite weird. My husband always thought I was putting it on but after several years of marriage he came to realise that they were fair dinkum.
3. I am the loudest snorer in the house. I never use to snore up till about 2 years ago and I have been known to keep family members awake as well as wake them up. If my hubby doesn't fall asleep before me he has to get up and do something else cause he can't stand it. He has tried everything to stop me from snoring....roll me on side etc etc and nup doesn't work!
4. I don't like anything even, in anything I do odds always wins. Examples:
flowers in a vase must be an odd number, decorating must be done in clusters 3's, 5's and 7's etc. Anyway you get the drift!
5. My dog CJ loves eating mango pips and raw broccoli stalks, particularly once buried in the ground for a few weeks. She digs them up and they are black and.... well.... yuk and eats them right in front of me.
Ok so that's my 5 wierd things and now I tag....
Jodie and
KellSo what else is news in my small part of the world?!
Hummmmm....thinking.....lol that's bad isn't it and it isn't that I don't have anything to say I just don't know what to put.
Oh yes and you all know the dramas with the shower etc well all fixed and now I have a tradie in the house....... introducing.........ahem...drum roll please Lance......Tim the Tiler, Tim the Grouter, Tim the Plumber and Tim the Cement Sheet Fixerer to the wall Dude!!!!!
Yep our shower has now been successfully working since 2 weekends ago. Eventually the entire bathroom will have to be done as it is in bad need of it but for now we have a working shower and I have never seen cleaner kids.....lol. Not that they weren't clean before but it was always a bit of a "chore" (for want of a better word) to have a bath daily and 6 times over so now we are soaking in the shower and it is bliss.
LO time! I said in my last blogging that I would get a few more LO's up in here and boy have I been slack cause I didn't get that far did I so here are a couple more LO's for your pleasure.
The 1st one is a paper LO I am doing for a challenge at a paper site I am a member of called Strictly Scrapbooking. The challenge was to scrap one or more B&W photos and so I did. This one is of Stephanie over the holidays when she and 3 other GF's decided to go to the movies on their own......eeeeeeeeekkkkkk (no parents *sigh*) to see Material Girls. They had a ball and yes we were very cautious. Made sure we dropped them all off, let them buy their own tickets, made sure they got seated, made sure they had a mobile phone just in case, and were picked up promptly once the movie was finished. I cannot believe that Steps will be 13 next birthday.
*Anyone got a box of tissues*

As this is a paper LO no credits are needed but the papers are
Basic Grey papers and I have always been in love with this manufacturers scrapbooking designs. They top my list!
Of course being a paper LO the images never come out as well as digi but you get the idea here.

All you need to know about this LO is below so read on.
Every year in September coinciding with the school holidays the church we are involved with have a camp for all the kids. Our 2 older ones Lance and Grace went off to seniors camp and had a blast catching up with all their mates. Here is a photo taken of friends Candy and Nat on Graduation Night (the last night of camp). Natalie (on the right) sent me this photo (which was in colour)and using the chocolate photo action by Photoblast to edit the photo I just had to scrap it. She now has a copy printed off as a precious keepsake.
Papers, flowers, ribbon and corner stamp all from the Countryish Kit by Meredith Fenwick and Kim Christensen. ID plate, lace edge, and iron hinge from Holly McCaig's Shabby Retreat Kit. Bulldog Clip, key, stamp, envelope and ticket from Holly McCaig's Office Chic Kit. Number circle element from Holly McCaig's Lauren Lane Kit. Stitching from Julie Mead's Keep you in Stitches with Templates Kit. Jump rings by me.
Special thanks to Atomic Cupcake for silver action.
This next LO is the 1st LO in the "Defining Me" project so many of us are doing over at PBP.
Thanks to Jo one of our very own designers for getting this up and going as it is fantastic and so many people are enjoying this and perhaps also stepping out of their comfort zone as we are scrapping the 1 person we tend to avoid............ourselves.
BTW if your interested in doing this go check out the link
hereThen check out the gallery
Holly McCaig Shabby Retreat Kit and button and number round element from her Lauren Lane Kit.
Kayleigh and Franklin Gothic Medium
Special thanks to Atomic Cupcake for Chipboard action
Ok I was going to show off my latest kit tonight as well but silly blogger won't let me so I'll have to leave if till next time and this time I won't take so long to update.
Till next time guys take care and happy scrapping.