Shabby Miss Jenn

Monday, 14 August 2006

Your help!

I have been having a few problems with my blog and although I think I have it all sorted it out now I would like you to tell me if you see anything wrong.
As I tend to use both IE (internet explorer) and FF(Firefox) browsers everything goes perfect in FF but in IE it doesn't so for those of you using IE and you see something a miss on my blog give me ahoy.

Whether it is the sidebar on the bottom although it should be on the top or whether it is that my sidebar doesn't seem to be align.

Anyway I would appreciate it greatly and thanks.


Angela said...

everything looks okeydokey Chris.. at least to me, and I'm using IE. Anyway, sorry to hear about your back, it doesn't sound nice at all :(, hope the phsyio does wonders :).

Anonymous said...

Looks fine in IE to me too Chris!

Lee said...

Everything is lookin' good on my end!

Anonymous said...

everything looks good on my end! :)

Anonymous said...

Everything looks good on my end! :)

Trish said...

looks fine with me as well

Anonymous said...

Yout blog looks great, it all lines up etc.