Shabby Miss Jenn

Thursday, 3 August 2006

All abuzz over yonder!

Yep it sure has been very busy over at PBP and can I say that since our Grand Opening and as I post this entry we have now some 116 registered members and have made a total posting of 3514 articles in both the forums and the gallery. Now that is awesome.

I have been busy placing myself in little areas of the digi community and promoting my kits I sell over at PBP. I know I am new to all of this and I have to admit quite clearly that it is all incredibly overwhelming as well. Many times I think can I do this can I design and design well and I know I am just a newbie and still learning....boy that's the understatement of the year, but I am. I spend all my days and alot of hours at my beloved computer, creating LO's using other peoples kits, designing kits,going through tutorials, making a banner or 2, creating a blinkie here and there, trying to keep up with PBP, and trying to blog and blog hop. Then I still have my family to take care of. Is it worth it well that I guess am yet to find out. Should I have just stuck to creating LO's and trying out for a CT or 2 sometimes I think yes....but I am here now and I know that as long as I stick at it things should be ok.

Anyway want to leave you with a few LO's I have been busily creating although I can now put some of the ones I did using some of the awesome kits over at PBP finally on here. So they have been done for awhile now.

Actually before I go I need to say this.

I work with the most amazing and talented group of girls and although we are all in this together as newbies we are all there to support, hold each others hands, help each other through some incredibly difficult situations life throws at us, and I am just in awe of their true friendship and togetherness.

So here you go look down and be inspired...well I hope you will be anyway.

This photo was taken on my DD Stephanie's 11th B'day in 2005. The journaling is a reflection on how I feel about her growing up.

Journaling reads:

Before you turned 11 you were smaller
and not as tall. Before this day you were
still only 10. What happened to each of
those years, where did they go?
I remember carrying you inside of me,
giving birth to you and loving you right
from the very beginning, I remember the
hard times we had and how we managed
to get through them. But still you weren't
as big as you are now. I remember so
many days and all before this one special
day. For this one special day is today and
it is your 11th birthday. This day is the
one day that you turned more then 10.
I cannot believe this day has come but it
has and here you are once again growing
that little bit taller, ageing that little bit
older, becoming that little more independent
and still I love you that whole lot more.

Credits: Country Kitchen by KateF and Love Stamp by me from my Cornflowers Blue kit both available over at PBP

Fonts: Arial


So this is the next LO my dear sweet hubby Tim....yep it is all about what he means to me.

My wonderful husband Tim who is my everything, my best friend, my soulmate and my other half. Without him I am nothing.

Journaling reads:
How do I even begin to tell you how much you mean to me.
How much I love you, how much I need you. Words are not enough sometimes. But I love you with all I have. xxoo

Hugs N Kisses Kit by Annette Farrelly (here at PBP). Hearts from my Gorgeous Elements Collections (here at PBP). Journal mats by me. Little Stitches Brush Set by Trish Jones (recoloured). Special thanks to Atomic Cupcake for chipboard action.

Arial and my own handwriting.

Ok so that's it for now until next blogging ciao and to all my buddies out there in this big wide world keep smiling.

One thing more before I sign off and yep I'm talking to you my paper scrapping buddies and you know who you all are over at StickersnFun leave me a comment and let me know you're all ok once in awhile cause I miss ya's and I know I don't get over there often (nearly everyday) but you are all very much still in my hearts.


fazzbech said...

Hasn't it just been buzzing like crazy?! Crazy good though! Keep at it Chris, it takes a long time to find your way - I'm still finding it after more than a year!

Anonymous said...

Love your layouts! got your blinkie on my site finally! ;)

Lee said...

Chris, you may feel like a newbie at creating kits, but you sure don't look like one!

Love the layouts, both have beautiful journaling too!

Love PBP!!! I think I am the best fan of the PBP and the pickleheads!

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog while searching for deg. disc disease which I also struggle with. Also am an avid scrapbooker and I absolutely love your layouts which have given me fresh ideas.Thanks and good luck with the back!