Shabby Miss Jenn

Tuesday 14 December 2010

more photo's...

so you know how it is...sitting at the pc not quite sure what to do...knowing exactly what you could be doing...but have no mojo whatsoever...sound all to familiar?

yup thought so and of course i've done all the housework one 'needs' to do, checked the emails on all the accounts i need to, even checked into facebook a few times, watched the end of a christmas movie and even started on the last of the advent calendar that's in the process of needing to be finished and still...i feel blah!

anyhoo to liven things up in my wonderfully dull and mojoless day i thought i'd blog...yeh and add a few more photo's simply because i! enjoy!

well that'll do for today and i hope you enjoy these photo's of mine i've taken. i'm loving the fact that i am  making more time to take photos now then in past makes my heart all warm and fuzzy and very very happy! :)

ciao till next time...hugs chris xoxo

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