Shabby Miss Jenn

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

facebook group...

i thought it was time to start a little group over on facebook for those of us who have been touched by autism in some way or another. my little group is I ♥ someone on the Autism Spectrum. i felt it was way overdue and although it's still new and needs lots more information, news and resources it's started and it's a work in progress.

i know there are plenty of FB groups on autism spectrum disorders helping and supporting in some form or another.....will mine be any different?...possibly not however my aim is to raise autism awareness in all it's entirety and allow not only those that are impacted by it have a place they can be supported, raise questions etc but a place for the unlearned to be taught.

if you pop by my blog and read this post, click on the link above and join. if you're touched by autism in some way, click on the link above and join....whether you're a parent/carer, family member, professional or just want to learn more about what autism spectrum disorders are then click on the link above and join.

at this point in time seeing as the group is not quite 24 hours old there isn't much just yet....that's the work in progress, however small steps make more of an impact then huge leaps and bounds....something i've learnt as a parent/carer of children with autism.

anyway just a quick post letting you all know about the group and extending an invitation to everyone who wishes to join to join.

take care xoxo

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