Shabby Miss Jenn

Thursday, 6 March 2008

Warning LO may contain tearful reaction.

My latest CT LO for Tara Dunstan created and uploaded to my galleries yesterday. The photo was taken on Saturday when the family took a day out at Rosalind Park in Bendigo. We thought it was a great day just to get out of the house and do something with the day and go grab icecream as well. Unfortunately Lance didn't cope and the full realisation of just how unwell he is at the moment pretty well hit. We have thankfully managed to get some support in place and he is on more medication (nothing to do with his heart meds he is already on) and time will tell how that goes as it has only been a week since he started them. He has just been placed urgently on the mental health waiting list which happened yesterday and we should hear more about that next week once the team can fully assess his situation on Tuesday, (Monday is a public holiday here). So we manage one day at a time at the moment and sometimes a moment is all we can manage and get through. Lance turns 17 this year and since the age of 2 we have noticed things that have really caused us to be concerned. He has needed some sort of help on and off since that time and although all the experts say he has traits of this and that they have refused to fully diagnose him until he is 18....yep you read right, saying that once we label him it will be much worse but they forget that by doing it this way that not only does Lance suffer and often in silence until he simply can't do that anymore but so does the whole family and we get to a point we can no longer function normally. That is where we are at the moment but thankfully we had his paediatrician urgently see him a week ago and he has taken the necessary steps to put into action the help Lance needs with extra backup and support he needs until everything falls into place properly within the next week or so. The great thing about this is his paediatrician said he will not allow Lance to fall by the wayside anymore and he will make sure that whatever needs to be done this time he will see to it too make sure it will be done. In some ways it has been a relief and so the LO above is a little insight into the life we live dealing with the anguish of all those years of undiagnosed disorders inparticular my feelings into it all knowing the heartache we have had to live seeing our son Lance suffer for so long.
On to a different topic....yay I am blogging more often which is good and now I just need to try and catch up with friends blogs so over the next few days I'm a visiting you now now don't be too surprised about that will you. Anyhoo gotta go and take Lance to school as he starts late on Thursday so till next bloggin' take care, stay safe and hug a loved one. Hugs Chris xoxo


Mel said...

Hugs to you and Lance, Chris. So sorry that you have been going through this for so long and hoping you get somewhere this time.

Amandac said...

Hugs Chris - this must be so difficult for you all! I really hope that things get sorted out now and something gets done for Lance. You are really an amazing lady you know, I admire you soooo much.