- Di
- gypsystar
- joshi_82
- JustDee
- kittychen
- scrapastrophe
- scrapingal89
- sharuth
Now check out these latest and most awesome LO's...... they truly rock!
Di....credits here
kittychen....credits here
kittychen....credits here
kittychen....credits here
joshi_82....credits here
joshi_82....credits here
scrapastrophe....credits here
sharuth....credits here
So you will see these awesome LO's all over the place at PBP as well as so many other galleries.
**TOOTING**........ just to note that joshi_82 has already had both her LO's featured as LO's of the day on a german forum, so wtg girl that is totally awesome! Check both here...... 1st and 2nd toot!
Also sharuth and scrapastrophe have had some of their LO's featured here at Designs in Digital. Although it does rotate with many LO's so you do have to keep checking it out but if you stay peeled for long enough I am sure you will see them.
Woohoo and guess what I got a new baby today....yep my new PC is here at home purring away ever so happily and I am impressed. I haven't put it through it's paces fully yet but that will happen soon enough.
On a more sour note most of us here are sick. Of course Steps has glandular fever although she is doing really well now and I suspect Grace has it as she has been sick for too long and of course it all looks the same as Steps, but I have a full on head cold, and so do the boys and the only really healthy dude here is Tim...lol and he is on a uni break at the moment for a few weeks until semester 2 starts. Not sure what the date is that he goes back but he has a bit of time to catch up and do heaps to get ready for placement when he goes back. So the break is really a study break as they don't let you off that easy!
Well time for me to go as this has turned into a series of novels but I couldn't wait to post those awesome CT LO's and congratulate each one of my gorgez gals. WTG girls you ROCK!!
Ok night, take care and stay safe.
Ciao Chris x
Holy cow Chris, the CT have done an awesome job with your kit, they all look fantastic! I bet you wish you had done this sooner eh?
Congrats to all your girls on making the team.
WOW that is a long blog ;) Yea to us!!! I am so pleased to be on your team Chris. Congratulations to all the other girls too!
Yay :D :D
I'm sorry that everyone is sick :( Welcome to winter eh!
Huge congrats on the new team Chris! Fabulous LOs already, and look forward to many more!
Sending get well vibes over to your house!
Woohoo! Awesome line up Chris and fabulous layouts girls
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