Shabby Miss Jenn

Monday, 25 July 2011

chris turnbull photography...

it's been awhile so i thought it was time to blog and this time i decided to blog a little about photography and more in particular about me and my photography. i wanted to share with fellow bloggers my passion that keeps me going, is my therapy, is my favourite all time thing...after the hub and kids of course and the fact that i ♥ it like crazy.

i have to admit i've always loved photography but i haven't always been a photographer, nope not at all. life and it's distractions certainly gave me priorities over interests, hobbies and such. over the years i've tried my hand at many hobbies, interests and likes and over the years i've come to realise that when i did all those projects...guess what was present at most of them apart from me? a camera, yes a camera to take photos of all those projects i've created year after year after year after year...amazing what you think about it.

now i'm not a smile, click, snap and print kinda photographer and let's face it not too many are and i'd be horrified if a photographer was. just like in the dark room days, images have been manipulated, tweaked and worked on to create those perfect images. in our time or the digital slr...the dark room is still just as important however it's in a different format and usually in the likes of a software such as photoshop.

recently i've stumbled across peoples comments on other photographers pages that have made me laugh and it's usually something along the lines of..."great photos must have a great camera to create those images"...and i laugh because although it's important to have a decent camera and let's face it even many of our point and shoots are, the person behind the camera is the one pretty darn good at what they do...ever heard the saying it's all in the eye of the beholder? this couldn't be more truer then that of any this case a photographer.

were picasso or monet great artists because of their tools and equipment? i don't think so, their talent came from within, they grew, studied, painted, learnt but their very talent came from within, the very heart and soul of who they were at the time and what they gave to the world. i'm sure their tools certainly had a place but it wasn't the tools that created those works of art, it was the artists themselves.

now before i finish up remember to check out my website chris turnbull photography it has images, info and all sorts of goodies on it. prices for photo sessions which are very affordable so if you after a photo session booking please contact me. don't forget that as a parent with teens that have additional and special needs myself, due to the fact 3 of them have autism amongst other disorders, i am also able to cater, help and support other families and individuals who find themselves in the same situation with photo shoots. it is possible with the right understanding, patience, support and acceptance. 

anyhoo i thought i would share the latest impromptu mini session with my gorgeous girl steph...

ok so there you have them...sit back and enjoy oh and a little bit about steph...she is 17 and has autism, suffers with extreme anxieties, depression and is visually impaired and is progressively losing her sight thanks to best's vitelliform dystrophy a rare genetic eye disease that kills the cells. along with her younger brother isaac who happens to have autism, adhd and best's vitelliform dystrophy too which hubby has as well both steph and isaac are famous...well their eyes are anyway, they are both case studies and papers are being written up about them and their eyes...yay my kids eye's are, we find a sense of humour in all things. :)

till next time ciao hugs chris xoxo

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

midweek ramblings...

so i'm sitting here at my pc, complete with a nice hot cup of tea that the hub has just made me and a thought crossed my mind...yep it did really and now don't get too excited but the thought was simply 'it's time to blog'!!! boring as right? 

but seriously it is time to blog and let you know we are indeed surviving the school holidays. YES!!! second week here already and being wednesday already the school holidays have been flat out with one thing or another. i even managed to stop all major appointments for this time so imagine how chaotic it would be if i hadn't.

the 1st week...well that was just busy running all over the place, catching up with things here and recharging but my goodness was it busy. this week i have to say i need to ask myself 'what day is it?' because it's just all become a bit of a blur.

we started working on the lounge room, it was time, something we wanted to do before the end of the year. yes it's time for a little make over. we have cathedral ceilings in the lounge, dining and kitchen with the rest of the house normal ceilings and normal height. although i painted our home about 12.5 yrs ago, things have changed and purely because my back and the nerves and discs that continue to bug me rather painfully whenever they feel like it now won't allow me to climb a ladder and even still (because i darn well tried) just not having enough height to get up high. so this is where the hub has come in. he has the job of painting the high ceilings and the rafters and he's started. tomorrow we get more ceiling paint and i am hoping that possibly by next week the ceiling and rafters are done...difficult part over. then onto the walls and then the floor and then the trims. i say next week because we just don't seem to get a break with being able to have a few days where we are not running around or dealing with something that needs to be done. if that were too happen then i'd say easy a full week or 2 and the lounge would be completely done. as it is it's done in dribs and drabs in between running errands and getting on with life as we know it.

i've put in a request to the painting fairies that we need to have the room done's just going to be a little slow because of the height of ceilings and of course the walls on the higher part. why? well as an on location natural light photographer i want to be able to offer more formal and posed sessions as an option and who wants to be out having their photo taken in the rain, wind and cold or in the heat of the day when it's something like 45 degrees celsius...not me. so by setting up a portable home studio this gives me and my clients both new and existing, the opportunity for more. i've already had interest so hub and i are busy giving our lounge a makeover. thankfully the lounge is a good size and the front door comes off it. we are able to close it off for photo sessions (which i am only having on certain days) and work it quite well.

i have my adjustable back drop system already and need to get creative with some back drops although the very typical but very good black and white backdrops will be available too. 

things are moving forward and more importantly in the right direction. for those local folk (and of course everyone else) that follow me on my blog here, my facebook page Chris Turnbull Photography and visit my website often...i would love for your support to continue on. this means the world to me in so many ways and i would love for you to spread the word. ♥

i recently ordered prints both for a photog client and to add to my portfolio as well... ordered thursday night quite late, they arrived first thing monday morning and talk about the wow factor. i cannot wait until my client receives her little package and although not all my clients have ordered prints due to them ordering discs...i took the liberty to order some of their prints to add to my portfolio and they are brilliant. something i am also eager to share with my clients and let them see how well they've turned out.

ok time to sign out and go busy myself with something else...until next time enjoy these pics taken just last weekend. :)

take care, ciao...chris xoxo

Sunday, 3 July 2011

another post...

so soon?! yep because i wanted to share an image i've popped together for one of my families. i simply couldn't help myself. apart from the 'typical' custom edit images i carefully work on one at a time for all my photog clients, they also receive a 'one off' artistic and more creative special image to add to their collection. it can either be part of their package they order or as an 'extra'. so the previous post was one for the most gorgeous kayla and this one is for anthony, rachelle and nate. as i've been bursting at the seams to share...i simply couldn't resist the urge any longer and so here it is.

enjoy ♥♥♥ hugs chris xoxo

Saturday, 2 July 2011


yep that was the week that's gone and i feel like i just blogged but according to my last update it was almost a week ago. my oh my this week has been very hectic but it's now saturday evening and i'm sitting here feeling rather restless in need of capturing my thoughts on paper (digitally of course) before heading to bed.

in a week lots can happen...and this week has been one of those weeks. mind you it's no different to any other week and it's no different for anyone else...what very busy and hectic lives we all live! do you ever stop to think about the era we live in? do you ever sit back and take a good hard look at what our society has become, how far we have progressed and yet feel extremely overwhelmed by it all.

the other day i was out in my garden with my dslr camera and panning...yes i was looking at life through the lens of my camera. not quite the same way i do when i take a photo, but literally choosing to see the world around me by looking at it through the lens of my camera and about detail!!! i wasn't even taking photos...nope simply seeing life from a different angle, from a different 'viewpoint' and from a different perspective. it's an amazing world out there every creative's incredible and it's purely wonderful.

i see life through my camera very differently, i capture that very essence and raw emotion in my images and create!!! something i enjoy right through the entire process. every image tells a story, every image is a memory - a moment caught and frozen in time, every image is pure and every image is raw.

that's it folks...short and sweet. oh and the photo it...and kayla my model...totally gorgeous in every way ♥♥♥ hugs chris xoxo