it's been awhile so i thought it was time to blog and this time i decided to blog a little about photography and more in particular about me and my photography. i wanted to share with fellow bloggers my passion that keeps me going, is my therapy, is my favourite all time thing...after the hub and kids of course and the fact that i ♥ it like crazy.
i have to admit i've always loved photography but i haven't always been a photographer, nope not at all. life and it's distractions certainly gave me priorities over interests, hobbies and such. over the years i've tried my hand at many hobbies, interests and likes and over the years i've come to realise that when i did all those projects...guess what was present at most of them apart from me? a camera, yes a camera to take photos of all those projects i've created year after year after year after year...amazing what you think about it.
now i'm not a smile, click, snap and print kinda photographer and let's face it not too many are and i'd be horrified if a photographer was. just like in the dark room days, images have been manipulated, tweaked and worked on to create those perfect images. in our time or the digital slr...the dark room is still just as important however it's in a different format and usually in the likes of a software such as photoshop.
recently i've stumbled across peoples comments on other photographers pages that have made me laugh and it's usually something along the lines of..."great photos must have a great camera to create those images"...and i laugh because although it's important to have a decent camera and let's face it even many of our point and shoots are, the person behind the camera is the one pretty darn good at what they do...ever heard the saying it's all in the eye of the beholder? this couldn't be more truer then that of any this case a photographer.
were picasso or monet great artists because of their tools and equipment? i don't think so, their talent came from within, they grew, studied, painted, learnt but their very talent came from within, the very heart and soul of who they were at the time and what they gave to the world. i'm sure their tools certainly had a place but it wasn't the tools that created those works of art, it was the artists themselves.
now before i finish up remember to check out my website chris turnbull photography it has images, info and all sorts of goodies on it. prices for photo sessions which are very affordable so if you after a photo session booking please contact me. don't forget that as a parent with teens that have additional and special needs myself, due to the fact 3 of them have autism amongst other disorders, i am also able to cater, help and support other families and individuals who find themselves in the same situation with photo shoots. it is possible with the right understanding, patience, support and acceptance.
anyhoo i thought i would share the latest impromptu mini session with my gorgeous girl steph...
ok so there you have them...sit back and enjoy oh and a little bit about steph...she is 17 and has autism, suffers with extreme anxieties, depression and is visually impaired and is progressively losing her sight thanks to best's vitelliform dystrophy a rare genetic eye disease that kills the cells. along with her younger brother isaac who happens to have autism, adhd and best's vitelliform dystrophy too which hubby has as well both steph and isaac are famous...well their eyes are anyway, they are both case studies and papers are being written up about them and their eyes...yay my kids eye's are, we find a sense of humour in all things. :)
till next time ciao hugs chris xoxo