Shabby Miss Jenn

Wednesday, 22 March 2006

Time for another blog entry!!!

Well it seems like I can only manage at this stage to get in and update my blog every and of course each time there is much to tell and much to catch up on. Many emails and blogs to check out so I will try to get that done today as well.

We are on school holidays still but only a few more days and they will be all over and done with till Easter. The kids are of course as bored as anything. It is so hard to know what to do that just doesn't cost money and that will suit them now that 2 are teens and the others are heading that way. So yesterday I hired out 7 DVD's for them for $7 and of course that was only yesterday right well they have just about watched the funny how you think that at least that may keep them entertained for a little bit longer than a day. We also went to a place on Friday called Living Wings and Things and that was nice. Fed rainbow lorikeets, patted the dingos, saw the wombat fast asleep with not even a batter of the eyelids when we called him several times to come

Checked out the lizards, crocodile, frogs, you know all the usual things that are behind glass so you can't touch them. Anyway here are some pics of the day.

How is my designing going you ask??!!!

Great!! My computer came back last Thursday and since then I have been busily putting files in their right places and moving somethings around as well as trying to catch up with my emails. I had close to 200 yep I get a lot daily. Some are digi newsletters and paper scrapping newsletters, some are from friends, a little is junk as that happens, and I still haven't opened up lots and each day there are more but I'm working on it.

So I finished the kit I called English Country Garden that I lost some of and it is looooooking terr-i-fic even if I do say so myself so when I get the preview done (hopefully today) I'll pop it on here for you guys to see.
I am also working on my 3rd kit which is coming along once again fab-u-lous!!!! And I am still working out a name for that one as they seem to come as I am working on them but not sure so far I have called it sugar-n-spice but may call it Marshmallow. The colours in this kit are pinks and browns yummo!!!! and really remind me of fresh marshmallows as well as toasted so am still not sure may have to do the eeny meeny miny mo thing with

I actually went into the new paper scrapping shop yesterday (it's been open for a few months now) to try to spur me on for some inspiration and motivation but guess what !!!!!!........everytime I saw something all I could think of was creating everything digi (when I learn how to with some of what's happening to me am I crossing over to a full digi scrapper!!!!

Cause I have also (SSSSSSSSsssssssssssssshhhhhhhhh) not paper scrapped since last year, don't tell anyone but I have done digi scrapping and this designing stuff is keeping me busy as well and I am teaching myself alot with it and learning new stuff all the time and my good friends Kate and Annette are always there with an answer when I need it. Thankyou to both of you for all you have done and for giving me the confidence I need and having faith in me as a newbie designer. We wannabe designers all need that.

So that might be it for today I think so from me to you cioa for now!


Dee said...

Looking forward to seeing your preview! :D

Great pics :)

Anonymous said...

Aw, your welcome Chris, glad to help!